20 Oct 2014 87 hits
Discover how you can benefit from MPI professional development programs

Discover how you can benefit from MPI professional development programs

Need Professional Development? Look at what MPI can offer you.

There are a lot of new things happening at MPI for Professional Development. Here a quick overview on how and where to find the correct information for your needs. First of all a new Team is in place in our Dallas office ready to refresh our programs and promote the new certificates.

CMM / GBTA and MPI have joined forces to create the updated CMM Program, delivering one global standard of excellence that will bolster your business management skills and advance your career. The next CMM program will be held November 2-5 in Riviera Maya Mexico and a few places still left!

This program is an intensive study program that offers insight and guidance from university professors associated with renowned business schools. These estemend professors will instruct you on topics critical for managers to master, including risk mitigation, business analytics and compliance, and strategic negotiation, after which you will pursue further learning about either meetings or business management.

HMCC / MPI is proud to bring this commitment to the Life Science meeting segment of our industry by offering the Healthcare Meeting Compliance Certificate (HMCC). Available at these events "Imex America", "eXl Pharmaceutical Meeting" and more to come in 2015!

The HMCC course is designed for those who need a broader understanding of a full range of healthcare regulatory topics. It is a perfect fit for those who are involved in planning and reporting transparency and spend as well as those suppliers who provide services and products to the healthcare industry and the condensed class format of the HMCC makes it easier for busy professionals to fit training into their schedules.

CMP / Special report from the CMP bootcamp by MPI UK & Ireland Chapter!

Richard Parker, CMM Director of Healthcare Strategy at Zibrant said: “The boot camp is deliberately intense, acting as a powerful, relevant and insightful preparation for the CMP exam. I want to be at the forefront of the next wave of CMP ambassadors helping raise the professional recognition of which our industry is so deserving. Leeds Beckett’s course design is first class, the pace ideal and the delivery excellent."

Top UK event agencies Zibrant and CWT Meetings & Events were amongst the first to undertake this intensive two day training programme which took place on the 23rd & 24th September at ExCel London. They were joined by a select group of senior corporate meeting planners who are investing in their professional development by working towards becoming Certified Meeting Professionals. The Boot Camp was developed by MPI partners, the UK Centre for Events Management at Leeds Beckett University, thanks to a grant from the MPI Foundation.

At MPI Europe level we are approaching thanks to Rodolfo Musco, CMM, CMP Emeritus a Multi Level Certification program that will start in Italy in local language during BTC fair this coming Nomber and can be further developed and traslated in other European Countries thanks to our Chapters and taking in mind cultural differences. 

And remember MPI provides clock hours for education sessions, to acquire these clock hours you may attend educational and professional development sessions at your Chapter level, at WEC15, at EMEC15 and at partners event like IMEX.


Your MPI Europe Team


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